Our Littleton Stake Vision
We will become a Zion people by receiving and reflecting Divine love and grace; the love of God will dwell in our hearts and, surely, there could not be a happier people. The mission of Jesus Christ and the purpose of His atonement (at-one-ment) are to enable us to 1) have a loving, growing relationship with God (here and hereafter), and 2) to establish the oneness and unity that is Zion. Zion begins when we come unto Christ as a little child, receive the word of God in faith and humility, pray to God and feel His abundant love for us. As we make and strive to keep covenants, renewing them weekly, joyfully repenting daily, feasting on the word of God, and always remembering our Savior, the Holy Spirit will always be with us, testifying of God’s love. God’s love will dwell in our hearts, giving us a perfect brightness of hope, filling our souls with the abundance from which flows charity toward our families, church members, and all mankind. As we receive God’s love...