Eternal Truth Series March - Exercising Agency
Exercising agency in the face of opposition: Christ
will never force himself upon us and will never force us to repent and become
like Him. He will knock, but only we can open the door. We use our agency
to choose the focus of our attention, the patterns of our thoughts and actions,
and the investments we make in our relationships (God, family, others). In this
fallen world, strong faith and good relationships only come by way of
consistent effort and focus. There is real opposition, and we must battle to
make headway.
D&C 29:36
...that Adam, being tempted of the devil—for, behold, the devil was before Adam, for he rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor, which is my power; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency;
How can we battle opposition?
With consistent daily and weekly faithful connections and patterns. Daily worship through humble prayer, yielding one’s heart, and feasting on the word of Christ are essential. Weekly worship, partaking of the sacrament with purpose, attending the temple, and serving others will assist us in our efforts.
With consistent daily and weekly faithful connections and patterns. Daily worship through humble prayer, yielding one’s heart, and feasting on the word of Christ are essential. Weekly worship, partaking of the sacrament with purpose, attending the temple, and serving others will assist us in our efforts.
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