Eternal Truths Series October - Covenants and Relationships

Covenants well-lived create wonderful relationships:  The path from exclusive dating to engagement to marriage involves a progression of increasing commitments or covenants that, if well lived, establish a joyful, fulfilling relationship. Likewise, making and keeping successive covenants with the Lord help create a wholehearted, joyous connection and bring grace into our lives.

How do we build relationships?  Since we are imperfect, we must constantly and humbly recommit to our covenants. We do this with regular focus and attention, including things like Friday night dates, couple retreats, family home evening, sacrament, Sabbath, temple worship, and service.  Helping others come unto Christ and move forward on the covenant path is the best focus of our service.


Understanding Our Covenants with God - liahona

Your Future: Relationships and Covenants - BYU Speeches 

Lesson 136: Doctrine and Covenants 129; 130:1–11, 22–23 

Keeping the Sacred Covenant of Marriage 

BYU Students: Children of the Covenant - BYU Speeches 

Lesson 4: Responding to Challenges in Marriage 

Fathers and Sons: A Remarkable Relationship - M. Russell ...






