2017 Trek
The Littleton Stake Trek for our Young Women and Young Men ages 14-18 will be happening this week. Many, many hours of preparation have gone into this exciting event. Our Trek leadership has put much prayer, fasting, and careful consideration into the Trek families, and the meaning and purpose behind each planned event. The goal is to provide the youth of our stake the opportunity to feel Zion in their hearts, with their peers and leaders, and allow the spirit to teach them.
While not everyone in our stake can participate physically in Trek, we invite all members of our stake to participate in spirit with us. Each member of our stake will receive a daily email with select messages, activities, and doctrines similar to what will be taught on the trail for that respective day. We hope that by sharing these things, those who participate will feel connected with what the youth will be experiencing each day. We recognize that not all of these suggestions may work for your family but we invite you to pray for ways to adapt them, to soften your hearts, and look for opportunities to build Zion here in the Littleton Stake.
The Core Doctrines and how you can use them in your family are already up at the site for you to view HERE
Additionally, we humbly ask for the prayers of all stake, family members, and friends to aid us and protect us while we are away.
The Trek Committee expresses our deepest gratitude to the members of our stake. We know Trek could not be possible without the physical, monetary, and spiritual support of so many. Thank you to all who have helped plan, prepare, collected supplies, donated time, money, food, experience, or helped get our stake ready to go. We hope those who were involved in this preparation have felt closer to Zion, and it is our hope that all may feel a greater sense of Zion as the week moves forward.
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